Meeting between DHRLab and Photogrammetry Lab 

Meeting between DHRLab and Photogrammetry Lab 

The virtual meeting was organized by the Digital Heritage Research Lab (DHRLab) team of Cyprus University of Technology in conjunction with the team of the Laboratory of Photogrammetry, NTUA. Scope of the meeting was to discuss and exchange ideas about works on Cultural Heritage documentation methods, applications and dissemination means for promoting cultural tourism.  

The NTUA team presented 5dMeteora platform, showcasing its various features and capabilities. Besides the intuitive tools for spatial and contextual analysis, multiple media galleries for storytelling and engaged XR experiences, the team also explained the technical aspects of the platform and how it was developed, giving insights into their approach to designing such a complex system. 

Following the presentation, the DHRLab team shared their feedback on the platform and discussed how they could use it to enhance cultural tourism. Then, the DHRLab team presented the preliminary results of the on-going project e-Fikardou ( regarding the geometrical documentation of Fikardou village which in 1978 has been declared as a World Heritage Site. Both teams gain valuable knowledge and insights from each other. The exchange of ideas and feedback was invaluable and will help to further develop their respective projects.


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