

The platform of METEORA project is a high-level online repository, focusing on the development of an easy-to-use and interactive user interface for the dissemination of the geometric documentation products of the case study. Its aim is the visualization of data of various formats, heterogeneous sources and levels of details that are semantically and topologically correlated through appropriate services and tools. Mockups of the prototype can be seen bellow. 

The platform is currently under development. Once it is available online, a link in this section will prompt you to visit it. Interactive site navigation and usage instructions will be provided within the platform in the toolbox of the sidebar by selecting the “Instructions” option. If you belong to one of the users categories described in the relevant section “Users”, it is recommended to create a user account in order to get access to additional, personalized content. For any question, you may contact one of the METEORA project partners, by one of the suggested communication ways.  

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